Stewart-Houston Times from Clarksville, Tennessee (2025)

Tuesday, March 18, 1997, The Stewart-Houston Times, Page B-5 Houston County Realty Auction Co. 233 Main Street Erin, Tennessee 37061 (615) 289-4155 Renate's I I I I refunds include life-saving information By Senator Bill Frist organ or tissue donor does not Much has been written about become available. death and taxes in years past, but The reason? There are only a little there has been little to say about more than 5.000 actual donors each taxes and life. that's all about to year. That's a tragic statistic in and change.

This year, more than 70 of itself, but its worse when you million Americans will receive a realize that the number of organ federal income tax refund, and with and tissue donations could be it, information on becoming an increased by 80 percent simply organ or tissue donor. through better public education and As a heart and lung transplant sur- awareness. geon, I have spent virtually every Last year, I sponsored a bill that day of my adult life in a hospital will have a huge impact on the operating rom and have been fortu- lives of thousands of Americans nate to see the miracles that occur, the Organ Donation Insert Card when a new heart or lung is placed Act. Congress passed that bill, and in a patient. It is an inspiring and from now through the end of June, humbling experience.

but I have millions of Americans will receive also watched too many patients an organ and tissue donor card, as lose their lives in this race against well as detailed information on the time. importance of organ and tissue donation, in the mail with their Every 18 minutes, a new name is income tax refunds. They'll also added to the long list of people warn why it's vital that they inform for an organ or tissue trans- family members if they decide to waiting become a donor. plant. All totaled, more than For the millions of Americans 50,000 with no chance of ever who receive these donor cards in transplant they need.

the mail, becoming an organ or tisreceiving the In fact, any one of us or memany sue donor may seem like a simple ber of our families could find ourdecision. Just read the information, selves needing a life-saving trans- sign the card and tell our family of plant operation tomorrow through your decision. But for the thou- accident. or misfortune. And every day, eight people die because an sands of Americans who are waiting for a transplant.

Stewart Houston Thursday, March 20 Station 2 WKRN A WSMV 5 WTVF WDCN City 00 Good Morning Today This Morning Kratt Creatures 7 30 America Puzzle Place 00 Sesame Street 8 30 00 Regis Kathie Dating Game Geraldo Rivera Instructional 9 30 Lee Newlywed TV 10 30 00 Jenny Jones Leeza The Right Price Is 11 30 00 All The City News: Sunset Beach Puckett. The News Young Children the Restless 12 90 News American J'mal Talk of the 00 One Life to Another World Town 1 30 Live The Bold 2 30 00 General Hospital Days Lives of Our Guiding Light 00 Crook Ricki Lake As the World Barney, Friends 3 30 Chase Turns Mister Rogers 00 Rosie Oprah Winfrey Medicine Wishbone 4 30 O'Donnell Woman Lamb Chop 00 News News Hard Copy Sesame Street 5 30 ABC News NBC News CBS News 00 News News News NewsHour With 6 30 ET College Jim Lehrer 00 Figure Skating: Friends Basketball Crossroads 7 30 World Sud. Susan Outdoorsmen 00 Champion- Seinfeld Mystery! (Part 8 30 ships. Naked Truth 1 of 2) 00 Law Order: College Mystery! (Part 9 30 Turnaround. Basketball 2 of 2) 10 30 00 10:35 News Coach 10:35 News Tonight Being Business Served? Rpt.

00 Roseanne Show Literary Visions 11 30 11:35 Nightline 11:35 Late Hollywood Literary Visions 12 30 00 12:35 Politically EXTRA 12:35 Night Later Conan 12:05 Show Late Off the Air Friday, March 21 Station WKRN 4 WSMV 5 WTVF 8 WDCN WZTV 00 Good Morning Today This Morning Kratt Creatures Mighty Ducks 7 30 America Puzzle Place Bobby's World 00 Sesame Street Garfield 8 30 Darkwing Duck 00 Regis Kathie Dating Game Geraldo Rivera Instructional After Breakfast 9 30 Lee Newlywed TV 00 Jenny Jones Leeza The Price Is Maury Povich 10 30 Right 00 The City News: Puckett. News Maureen 11 30 All My Sunset Beach The Young O'Boyle Children the Restless Strange Univ. 12 30 News American J'ral Talk of the Judge Judy 00 One Life to Another World Town Montel 1 Live The Bold Williams General Days of Our Guiding Light Peter Pan 2 30 Hospital Lives Bananas 00 Crook Ricki Lake As the World Barney, Friends Batman, Robin 3 30 Chase Turns Mister Rogers Spider-Man 00 Rosie Oprah Winfrey Medicine Wishbone BeetleBorgs 30 O'Donnell Woman Lamb Chop Power Rangers 00 News News Hard Copy Sesame Street Mr. Cooper 5 30 ABC News NBC News CBS News The Simpsons 00 News News News NewsHour With Home Improve. 6 30 ET College Jim Lehrer Seinfeld 00 Family Matters Unsolved Basketball Washington Sliders: The 7 30 Boy Meets see Mysteries Wall Street Guardian.

00 Sabrina, Witch Dateline NBC Nova Millennium: 8 30. Step by Step Covenant. 00 Crisis Center I College Frontline Star Trek: 9 30 Basketball Deep Space News Business Rpt. Mad Ab't You 10 30 10:35 Coach 10:35 Tonight Being Served? Montel 111 30 00 11:35 Roseanne Nightline 12 30 00 12:35 Politically EXTRA Show Williams Baywatch 11:25 Late Hollywood Paid Program Nighi Conan 12:05 Late Off the Air Movie: Gospel Friday Night Show 'Island City' Paid Program Saturday, March 22 FENDERS POOL- ROOM ARCADE GAME! 0 RENTALS Fenders Game Room on U.S. 79 six miles east of Dover is open for the whole family, offering video games, pinball, pool tables, movie and game rentals, as well as fast foods, ice cream and breakfasts.

Proprietress Anjanette Keese, pictured, adds that food delivery is also available from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Business hours are 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 5:30 a.m.

to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Call 232- 8067 for more information. TV Listings AMC BET CNN Am. Movie Classics Black Entertainment Cable News Network 6:30 'Lady World Vision 16 Early Edition From Movie: Screen Scene Morning News 'The Sanford Crusades' Hit List 10:15 Movie: Video 'Because of Vibrations CNN Co.

You' Newsday Movie: CNN Today 'The Accused' Planet Groove 1:45 Movie: TalkBack Live 'The Farmer's Daughter' Rap City Politics Movie: EarlyPrime 'The Bishop's Wife' Showbiz Today Sanford World View Movie: Screen Scene 'Because of Hit List Moneyline You' Crossfire 7:15 Movie: Planet Groove PrimeNews 'The Farmer's Daughter' Larry King Live Movie: Comicview The World 'The Bishop's Today Wife' Talk Sports Illus. Thea Moneyline Movie: Rap City Newsnight 'The Accused' Showbiz Today Newsnight Sports Illus. AMC BET CNN Am. Movie Classics Black Entertainment Cable News Network 'Riders of Rod Parsley 6 Early Edition Destiny' Paid Program Movie: Real Business Morning 'Wild Harvest' Sanford Hit List 9:45 Movie: Video 'Left-Handed Vibrations CNN Co. Gun' Newsday Movie: 'My Pal CNN Today 12:50 Movie: Planet Groove 'Trigger Movie: TalkBack Live 'The Little Princess' Rap City Inside Politics 3:35 Movie: EarlyPrime 'Operation Pacific' Showbiz Today Sanford WorldView Movie: News 'Big Jim Hit List Moneyline McLain' 9 Crossfire Movie: Planet Groove PrimeNews 'Since You Top 20 Went Away' Larry King Live Comicview The World Today Movie: News Sports Illus.

'Diamond Benson Moneyline ESPN SPSO HBO LIFE MAX NICK SWT TMC TNN Sports Network Sports South Home Box Office Lifetime Cinemax Children's Shows Showtime Movie Channel Nashville Network Sports Center Fox Sports 6 'Warrior Baby Knows 6 'Return Looney Tunes Movie: 5:30 'Movie' Off the Air News 'Far From Kids Movie: Looney Tunes 'Zelly and 7:25 Movie: SportsCenter Paid Program Home' Sisters: Heroes. 'Collision Rugrats Me' 'Born VideoMorning Paid Program Course' Richard Scarry Movie: Yesterday' Sports Center College Movie: Debt 9:15 Movie: Rupert 'Bill Cosby: 9:05 Movie: Softball: 'Big Bully' Our Home 'Face the Muppet Babies Himself' 'Bikini Beach' Sports Center Northwestern Ingredient Music' Allegra's 10:15 Movie: Dallas State at LSU. Movie: Handmade Gullah isl. 'Monsieur SportsCenter Athletic Awards 'Gandhi' Martha Stewart Movie: Little Bear Hire' 10:45 Movie: Alene's Crafts Our Home 'Good Blue's Clues 11:35 Movie: 'Vibrations' Alene's Crafts NCAA Wom. Women's Designing Neighbor Richard Scarry 'A River Runs Wildhorse NCAA Final 4 Swimming Nurses Sam' Storytime Through It' Movie: Saloon Billiards Tennis Movie: 1:15 Movie: Looney Tunes Johnny VideoPM 'The Haunting 'Teen Wolf Beetlejuice 1:40 Movie: Handsome' NCAA Final 4 1:45 Movie: of Lisa' Too' Tiny Toon Adv.

'The Big 2:05 Movie: America's Yachting Muppet Babies Show' 'Maurice' Country Hits Golf: LPGA Fla. Baseball L.A. Law 2:50 Movie: Chipmunks Dallas Standard Rod Deimonico Movie: 'A River Runs Insp. Gadget 3:35 Movie: Register Ping, Fishing Univ. 'French Kiss' The Commish Through It' Afraid of Dark? 'Gremlins' Wildhorse First Round.

Adventures Rocko's Life 4:25. Movie: Saloon. Up Close Fox Sports Super. Sweep Movie: Clarissa 'Europa Club Dance Sports Center News Movie: Debt 'Congo' Tiny Toon Adv. 5:25 Movie: Europa' Athletic Awards 'Big Bully' Designing Doug 'Zelly and 6:15 Movie: Dukes of Billiards Designing Rugrats Me' 'Born Hazzard Figure Skating: Movie: Unsolved Movie: Alex Mack Movie: Yesterday' Championship Superbouts Skate 'Fair Game' Mysteries 'Sabrina' Newhart Bull Riding International Movie: Newhart Movie: Prime Time Boxing Final.

Sports on the 'Prison of Newhart 8:40 Movie: 'Houseguest' Country Fox Sports Silver Screen Secrets' 9:15 Movie: Newhart 'Cyborg Cop Today's News 'Fatal Newhart Country Sports Center Fox Sports High on Crack Martha Stewart Combat' Bob Newhart 9:50 Movie: Dallas News Street Mysteries Bob Newhart Movie: 'The Road to Out of Bounds Rodeo 11:05 Rodney Unsolved 10:50 Movie: Bob 'Dead Man's Wellville' Dukes of Sports Center Dangerfield Mysteries 'Screamers' Jeannie Gun' Hazzard Rodeo: PRCA Sportswriters 12:05 'Die Nurses Dick Van Dyke Movie: Prime Time Event. on TV Hard With thirtysomething 12:40 'Movie' Bob Newhart 'Patty Hearst' Country ESPN SPSO HBO Sports Network Sports South Horne Box Office Sports Center Fox Sports Movie: News 'Necessary SportsCenter Paid Program Roughness' Paid Program Sports Center Billiards: Steve Movie: Mizerak 'Stuart Saves SportsCenter Senior Tour. His Family' Big 12 SportsCenter Auto Racing 10:45 Movie: 'Tremors Il: NCAA Worn. Tennis: Nuveen Aftershocks' NCAA Final 4 Masters Final. Movie: Strongest Man Competition Golf: LPGA This Is the Standard PGA Tour 'The Man Who Register Ping.

Jeff Jones Saw Ron Polk Tomorrow' Senior PGA Movie: Inside PGA Crimson Tide 'Necessary Up Close Fox Sports Roughness' Sports Center News Hawks Real Sports Cheerleading NBA Gumbel Figure Skating: Basketball: Movie: World Dallas 'Nick of Champion- Mavericks at Time' ships. Atlanta. Boxing: Roy Fox Sports Jones Jr. vs. News Montell Sports Center Fox Sports Griffin.

News Dennis Miller Horseshoe' Rap City Newsnight Strong Man College Hockey Def Comedy Showbiz Today Sports Center Hockey Week Movie: 'Big Jim Newsnight SpeedWeek Equestrian 'Blue McLain' Sports Illus. Running Thunder' Station 2 WKRN A WSMV 5 WTVF 8 WDCN WZTV 30 AMC BET CNN City NashJA8C Nash Am. Movie Classics Black Entertainment Cable News Network 00 Garden Today 6 News GED C-Bear, Jamal Dr. Haney 6:45 Movie: Paid Program 6 Saturday 30 Old House GED BeetleBorgs Paid Program 'Mississippi Paid Program Morning 00 Martha Stewart Why Why Quilt in a Day Spider-Man Paid Program Gambler' Hit List 8 30 Home Again G.eeK.eR Casper Paid Program Movie: 00 Bugs Bunny Saved by Bell Ace Ventura Sewing Room Goosebumps USWA 'Destry Rides Showbiz 9 30 Bugs Bunny Hang Time Kipper's P.O.V. Gardener Eerie, Indiana Wrestling Again' Elsa Klensch 00 Chillers Saved by Bell Haunted House Caprial Life With Louie Paid Program 10:15 Movie: Rap City Top Science Week 10 30 Dream Big Calif.

Dreams Ninja Turtles Computer X-Men WWF 'Titanic' 10 Basketball 00 Winnie Pooh NBA Inside Beakman Peggy Harris Movie: Challenge Teen Summit Newsday 30 Specials Animal Adv. College Frugal Gourmet 'The Pick-Up WCW Travel Guide Golf: Liberty Outdoors Basketball: Family Kitchen Artist' Worldwide Movie: On the Menu 12 Mutual Paid Program NCAA Debbi Fields Paid Program 'The Benson Parenting 00 Legends of Beach Division I Cooking Movie: Movie: Mississippi Your Health 30 Golf. Volleyball Champs. Workshop 'Betsy's 'Brass' Gambler' Rhythms Your Money 00 Different World High Perform- Final Four Stained Glass Wedding' 1:45 Movie: Paid Program Computer 2 30 World Cup ance Golf College Trailside 'The Robe' Paid Program Moneyweek: 00 Skiing Golf: Bay Hill Basketball Victory Garden Movie: Hercules: Real Business Pinnacle 3 30 Figure Skating: Invitational, Joy of Painting 'Rude Journeys Paid Program Managing 00 World Third Round. Ancestors Awakening' Xena: Warrior Movie: Rap City Top Early Prime 30.

Champions. Old House Princess 'Young Man 10 Evans, Novak 00 News Criminals College Hometime Cheers Highlander: With a Horn' Teen Summit WorldView 5 30 ABC News NBC News Basketball McLaughlin Mad Ab't You Prophecy. In Politics 00 Entertainment News: Red Green Home Improve. Jeopardy! Movie: Capital Gang 6 30 Tonight Williams. Outdoorsmen Seinfeld Wheel 'The Benson Bus.

Unusual 00 Figure Skating: Things That Medicine Lawrence Welk: Cops Movie: Mississippi Hit List. PrimeNews 30 World Go Bump Woman Traveling. Most Wanted 'Hero and the Gambler' Sports Illus. Champion- The Pretender Early Edition: Austin City Lawless Terror' Remem. WENN Larry King 8 ships.

Psychic. Limits Movie: Weekend 00 Profiler: Crisis. Walker, Texas Country Star Trek: Viper: Thieves 'Young Man Comicview The World 9 30 Ranger Connection Deep Space Like DEAR With a Comicview Today 10 00 News Cosby Show News Saturday Night News Murphy Brown Movie: 'Conjure MAD TV It's Fresh Showtime Prince Movie: Paid Paid Program Program Illustrated 00 Family Matters Live 11:05 FX: The Women' at the Apollo 'Destry Rides Caribbean Newsnight 30 11:35 The Series Off the Air Jack Van Impe Again' Rhythms Elsa Klensch Cape Criminals 12:05 TWo 'Watermelon WWF ShotGun 12:05 WENN Midnight Love Sports Illus. 12 90 In Concert Kwik Witz Man' Saturday 12:35 'Robe' Capital Gang Custom Designed Clothing For All Sizes and ALTERATIONS Hemming And Resizing Of Any Garment 232-6932 RATED 3 STARS BY GOLF DIGEST EASTLAND GREEN GOLF COURSES "27 Holes of Super Golf" The BEST PRICES ON GOLF AND GOLFING EQUIPMENT PREEN 550 Club House Lane (615) 358-9051 or (615) 358-9052 WZTV 30 Quack Pack Dennis Bobby's World Gargoyles Garfield Aladdin Darkwing Duck Dennis After Breakfast Copeland Paid Program Maury Povich Paid Program Laverne Maureen Beverly Hills, O'Boyle 90210: Pilot. Strange Univ.

Matlock: The Judge Judy Ghost. Montel Gunsmoke Williams Peter Pan Little House Bananas Batman, Robin Doogie Spider-Man Dinosaurs BeetleBorgs Blossom Power Rangers Andy Griffith Mr. Cooper Judge Judy The Simpsons Real TV Home Improve. Jeopardy! Seinfeld Wheel Martin St. Jude Living Single New York In the Heat of Undercover the Night Star Trek: Martin Deep Space Married Mad Ab't You Star Trek: Next Montel Generation Williams Baywatch Paid Program 'The Flamingo Paid Program Kid' Paid Program 30 Nash WXMT And.

Dennis Gargoyles Aladdin Dennis Copeland Paid Program Paid Program Laverne Beverly Hills, 90210 Matiock: The Class. Gunsmoke: Hard Labor. Little House Doogie Howser Dinosaurs Blossom: Kids. Andy Griffith Judge Judy Real TV Jeopardy! Wheel Movie: 'Mr. Mrs.

Bridge' Martin Married Star Trek: Next Generation LIFE MAX NICK TMC TNN Lifetime Cinemax Children's Shows Showtime Movie Channel Nashville Network Baby Knows 7:15 Movie: Looney Tunes Movie: 6 Movie: Off the Air Kids 'The Looney Tunes in 'Julia' Sisters: Slugger's Rugrats Paris' 8:10 Movie: VideoMorning Scandalous. Wife' Richard Scarry 'The First Debt Movie: Rupert Time' Our 'Rough Cut' Muppet Babies 'Wait Until 9:40 Movie: Ingredient Allegra's Spring, 'Master of Dallas: The Handmade Gullah Isl. Bandini' the World' Sting. Martha Stewart Movie: Little Bear 11:15 Movie: Aleene's Crafts Our Home 'The Out-- Blue's Clues 'The House 11:20 Movie: Alene's Crafts Designing of- Towners' Richard Scarry on Carroll 'Silver Streak' Wildhorse Nurses 12:40 Movie: Storytime Street' Saloon Movie: 'Days of Looney Tunes Movie: 1:10 Movie: VideoPM 'Spenser: The Thunder' Beetlejuice '100 Rifles' 'Magic in the Judas Goat' Tiny Toon Adv. Water' America's Movie: Muppet Bables Country Hits L.A.

Law 'The Chipmunks 2:50 Movie: 2:55 Movie: Dallas: The Crazysitter' Insp. Gadget 'Robin of I Love Sting. The Commish Movie: Afraid of Dark? Locksley' You' Wildhorse 'Tiger Heart' Rocko's Life Movie: 4:25 Movie: Saloon Super. Sweep Clarissa 'Jefferson in 'Look Who's Club Dance Debt Movie: Tiny Toon Adv. Paris' Talking' The Dish 'Coneheads' Doug Movie: Dukes of Blind Dates Rugrats 'A Room Hazzard The Wire Movie: KaBlam! Movie: With a View' Motor Madness Pandora 'Getting Away Newhart 'Wild Bill' Movie: With Murder' Newhart Movie: 'For Movie: Newhart 8:35 Boxing 'The Scarlet "Grumpier Old Newhart The Outer Men' 19th Limits The Dish 10:15 Erotic Anniversary 9:45 Poltergeist 10:15 Movie: Dallas: The Blind Dates Confessions Bob Newhart Movie: 'Mary Sting.

a The Wire 10:50 'Night Pandora Rhythms' Nurses 12:15 Movie: Girls Night Out 'Death Match' Bob Newhart 'Showgirl Motor Madness Jeannie Murders' Frankenstein' Dick Van Dyke 'Cellblock Bob Newhart Sisters' 12:20 'Movie' ESPN SPSO HBO LIFE MAX NICK SWT TMC TNN Sports Network Sports South Home Box Office Lifetime Cinemax Children's Shows Showtime Movie Channel Nashville Network Fishin' Hole Paid Program Shakespeare Paid Program 5 'Ship of Doug Richard Scarry 6:20 Movie: Off the Air Jimmy Houston Paid Program Animated Hero Paid Program 'Dr. Jekyll and Rugrats Richard 'La Bamba' Sportsman Paid Program Sports on the Paid Program Ms. Hyde' Tiny Toon Adv. Movie: 8:10 Movie: One More Cast Fuzzy Zoeller Paid Program Silver Screen Paid Program Tiny Toon Adv. 'Death Duty' So.

Outdoors FlyFishing ISEC-TV Paid Program Movie: Muppet Babies Becomes Her' Saltwater Saltwater Weekly- LifeStories Paid Program 'The Family Muppet Babies 9:35 Movie: Fishing Walker's Cay Classic Adv. Movie: Frugal Gourmet Way' Beetlejuice 9:45 Movie: 'Crimson Orlando Wilson Sports Center Alan Warren 'Down Handmade Ren Stimpy 'The Odessa Tide' Bill Dance Women's Fantasy Periscope' Movie: Movie: Salute Shorts File' In-Fisherman College Braves Report Movie: 'Marilyn and 'For the Pete Pete 11:35. Movie: Basketball Preseason 'Short Circuit Me' Moment' Looney Tunes Movie: 'Deepstar Six' Classic Car Baseball: 2' Looney Tunes 'Man of the Hot Rod TV Women's Montreal Movie: Movie: You Do? House' 1:15 Movie: Motor Trend College Expos at Movie: 'The Mirror 'Die Wild Crazy 'The Mechanic Basketball Atlanta 'Things Crack'd' Laughing' Ship to Shore 1:45 Movie: Shawshank Auto Racing Braves. Change' 'Captain Ron' Redemption' Auto Racing: College 3:15 Movie: Movie: Movie: Hidden Temple NASCAR Baseball: 'Love Field' 'Bye Bye, Global GUTS Movie: 3:35 Movie: Diamond Hill Florida at Land of Lost 'Death 'The Guns of Inside NASCAR Plywood 200. LSU.

Ren Stimpy Becomes Her' Golf: LPGA Tracey Takes Movie: Movie: Life 5:15 Tina This Week in Standard Sports on the Man 'Roxanne' Real Monsters Turner's Country Register Ping. NBA Action Silver Screen Tate' Doug Wildest Hee Haw Sports Center NCAA Preview Rugrats Dreams 'Tank Girl' Women's College Movie: Movie: Movie: Kenan Kel Movie: Opry Backstage College Basketball: 'Primal Fear' 'Married to 'Haunted' All That 'Dead Man Ole Opry Live Basketball NCAA Div. Ill the Mob' Shelby Woo Walking' Movie: Statier Bros. Champs. KaBlam! 'Crimson Women's Fox Sports 9:15 Jon Sisters Movie: I Love Lucy 9:05 Movie: Tide' Bill Gaither: College News Stewart 'Desperado' The Lucy-Desi 'Leaving Las Texas Style Basketball Fox Sports 10:15 Real Elayne Boosler: Comedy Hour Vegas' 9:55 'Best of Opry Backstage News (JIP) Sex 17 'Party of One Happy Days Best 3: No Ole Opry Live Sports Center Auto Racing: 11:15 Movie: Hope Gloria Movie: Taxi Diaries Turning Back' Stater Bros.

Women's World of 'Fair Game' Nurses 'Animal Dick Van Dyke Situations Movie: 11 College Outlaws. Paid Program Instincts 2' Bob Newhart Movie: 'Lap Dancing' Bill Gaither: Basketball Paid Program 12:40 'Movie' Rhoda 'Silk Degrees' Texas Style.

Stewart-Houston Times from Clarksville, Tennessee (2025)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.